Reading on Sugar

This week in class, at Sage School of Light, we did readings on eating sugar. So many of us today are addicted, really, to sugar. But should we eat it and how does it affect our bodies? This is what our readings revealed…

I saw that over indulging on sugar affected my partner’s hair and skin, making it dull. It also dulled down her emotions. I saw that it affected her self-esteem as well. She would look to sugar when she was feeling powerless, and then feel bad after indulging.  She was looking to sugar for fulfilment, but it would make her less empowered. It can also be very ungrounding and bring us out of our bodies.

The way sugar affected me is that it made me very aggressive and angry. I have already noticed that and cut out refined sugar completely, except on rare occasions. Sometimes its hard because sugar is Everywhere! Though, there were some beneifits from eating sugar, but from natural, whole food sources. It is a source of celebrations and gatherings, and also brings pleasure. I am all for feeding our pleasure! But there are more healthy ways to indulge.

If you are wanting to cut down on sugar, it would be very benificial!! It definitely ages you faster too. My health has been getting better and I feel so much better too. Eating fermented foods and drinks is a great way to curb sugar cravings and kick the habit. Replacing sugar with stevia, (no artificial sweeteners, please!) and fruit or even maple syrup or raw honey is helpful when you do want something sweet. There are sooo many healthy, delicious desserts you can find on line and many great blogs as well. There is so much support and you really don’t have to sacrifice. Just give yourself the gift of better health and you will be so glad you did!

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