Crown chakra

Our 7th chakra is also known as the crown chakra. It has to do wirh our connection to Source. We receive information from the Universe, Divine Guidance, Spirit and can communicate with other beings as well. It’s important to keep it open and healthy so we can tune into source. Its our connection to higher consciousness.

Sixth Chakra

The sixth chakra is also known as the brow chakra, or 3rd eye. It is our inner knowing, inner sight. It is important to be able to see the bigger picture. We also want to be grounded so we can connect to higher realms, higher consciousness.

Fifth Chakra

The fifth chakra is also known as the throat chakra. It is all about speaking our truth. It also has to do with how we express ourselves. There is a lot of fear in expressimg ourselves authentically. Some of us have been repressed, or stifled. We have been judged and deemed wrong, and punished as well. This can make us fearful and play small to stay safe, but that does not serve or empower us. We must be in alignment with our truth,

If we are in our truth and integrity, we can speak with conviction.

Heart Chakra

The fourth chakra is located in our heart center, and is also known as the heart chakra. It’s qualities have to do with love, self-love, kindness, compassion, trust, and faith to name a few. It’s also about connection…. to Source, ourselves, and everything we are in relationship to as well.

It’s important to have the ability to trust ourselves, and work past any blocks to having self-love and faith in ourselves and the Universe. Let’s work on having 100% unconditional love for ourselves No Matter What!

Third Chakra

The third chakra, located near the solar plexus, has a lot to do with our self-esteem and sense of personal power. This is also where we may hold a lot of anger and fear.

It is so important to love and honor ourselves, and practice unconditional self-acceptance and deep compassion. This affects our ability to be confident and shine our unique light into the world.

Sacral Chakra

The second chakra is about sexuality and creative power. It also has to do with how we express ourselves and our feelings. It wants us to have fun and play, and find our passion and pleasure.

With a healthy second chakra we will feel fulfilled and blissful, at peace with ourselves and others, empowered in our lives and able to express ourselves fully.


We have just begun level 5 in class this week. It’s all about the chakras. We begin with the root chakra, which is so important to bring into balance and alignment.  The root chakra’s all about our sense of safety and security in the world.  We want it to be healthy and strong.

Experience with a sprite

In class this week we met a sprite named Nimble. Our assigmnent for the week was to spend 15 minutes connecting with her daily. I have been having some trouble connecting to spirit guides and other beings, but I know that if I am persistent I will break through. Here are my experiences with Nimble:

When I first tuned in to her energy I immediately thought of tinkerbell. She is very connected with nature and tells me to spend time in nature as much as possible. She is helping me to open my heart, and to be more child-like with wonder and joy. When we are expanded and joyful we can be in the present moment, which is important to be connected and in the flow of life.

I have been down on myself a bit lately, and she told me to give myself credit for all I have accomplished and for how far I have come. We should acknowledge ourselves, for we are children of God and are already worthy. We don’t have to strive so hard.

For my AP partner, I saw a blue flower in her throat area, which I believe was a healing from Nimble. She says that her clairaudience is opened and being strengthened, and to fill herself with joy and validation. She said to live full out, live out loud!

Nimble also said to celebrate ourselves and celebrate all life. We are here to live and enjoy life fully. When we do so we can feel our connection to all of life around us.


This week in class we met one of our spirit guides. Our assignment is to do an energy reading with them. This is my life-long spirit guide, her nane is Brigit. At firsr I got Sarah, but later the name Brigit came to me and that feels more right. She has been with me since birth, but even longer than that. I believe she has had a human life time. I heard that she is helping me to know peace, and to have love and joy in my heart…to calm my mind, and my fears….to help expand my knowing and awareness of love. She tells me there is more than I have ever known or even dreamt of. She has been helping and caring for me when I didn’t/couldn’t care for myself.

I am still feeling a little blocked, and not hearing so well, so I have been struggling a little with this. When I asked about her area of expertise I got that she is an elemental, and connected to nature and animals. When I asked for more info to help me in my life now, I heard to open my eyes and see that life is beautiful!! She told me to open my heart and to trust…it is safe to feel, I am safe. It feels a little slow-going connecting with my guide, but I am trusting and having faith that it will unfold in divine and perfect order.